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Showing posts from April, 2017

Porn Can Ruin You.... Seriously!

Most humans walking the face of this digital earth has come across porn in one way or the other, porn is the most downloaded genre of video available on the internet, that's aside music videos of course which are in their own way some form of soft porn if I can be so bold. Don't get me wrong, this post isn't in any way about morals or religious beliefs, its more about the health, family and behavioural implications of addiction to porn. here are some reasons why we should all take staying away from porn seriously: 1. It creates an artificial world of escape which if not careful can make the real world seem boring, and in some cases even make the individual lose interest in real life activities. 2. Porn makes for sex without intimacy, in the long run, as a matter of fact, a lot of men have experienced erectile dysfunction in the absence of porn. 3. Porn creates a hunger for itself, simply put it's like an addictive drug, it can get the user hooked.. for real. 4.

Stuck Between The Devil and The Deep Blue Sea...Our Meningitis Dilemma

As I write this, another person is probably taking their last breath, another victim of the current meningitis epidemic raging through the land. It is appalling that a so-called giant like Nigeria will be the playing field for all manner of dangerous epidemics from polio, to tuberculosis to ebola, to Lassa fever. Nigeria's health budget is an eyesore, accounting for less than 10% of the federal budget. Aside from the paltry sum allocated each year to the most vital sector of all, there is high-level corruption in the management of resources provided by donor countries through their agencies to the Nigerian people. This effectively brings us to a point where funds are grossly inadequate to tackle the plethora of issues facing the health sector in this country. This coupled with the high levels of poverty and squalor that has become the norm for the common man, thereby making him a primary target of all the combo of diseases and plagues...SAD. And herein lies the hard choice,