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Coding; The Most Important Skill In The World.

In my job as a business development manager I often come across female clients who I ask a simple question, what do you want to do? And the answers are eerily always similar, its always a business related to fashion, beauty or food. I used to get very excited until it got monotonous to be running development processes for only businesses in these segment of the private sector.

Sincerely these industry is getting choked, almost every household now has a “professional” makeup artist, fashionista or food merchant of some sort, these sub sectors are important, but they lay at the bottom of the food chain of human development, food, clothing, and beauty have being in existence since adam in various shades and form, so they are really nothing new or totally innovative about these basics and that’s why these services are being watered down and under priced as the day goes by, the supply of these services are now becoming more than the demand.

There was a time when a makeup artist could easily get 75k for a day or two’s wedding makeup gig but that’s very rare now, if a bride says she can part with just 25k and a MUA rejects the offer she will lose cause that bride will easily find another MUA that will gladly accept even 20k. that’s how bad the pricing in this sub-sector is, to make matters worse, original makeup kits and its content aren’t getting cheaper.

Enough of that analogy, now the point is the world is moving on to things that can actually make the world a better place for real, that makes impact into the inner core of the human society, there comes in technology, the most important entity in the quest for a change in how the world lives, in the past couple of years computers have taken over almost every segment of the human fabric, every sector of life now can be upgraded to function and deliver better results with the integration of technology, so why are Nigeria women avoiding this ocean of possibilities? Probably cause it seems hard? it doesn’t look female-friendly? or some other bull.

Programming or Coding which is the bedrock of any technological advancement in how computers operate seem to be an evil forest that should be avoided, this shouldn’t be so seeing that with the same amount of passion, time and resources spent on learning makeup or tailoring that is invested in learning how to code, the learner will also become quite proficient. 

Nothing worth doing comes easy, every single day companies shun out numerous ads looking for programmers, especially female ones, but they are so few, so the few get the big bucks, programmers are paid as much as 250-400k monthly for just facing their computers and carrying out tasks (no kidding), they are treated like royalty in any organization giving that their skills are rare and if they decide to walk out on you they are not easily replaceable… wow. 

This is not just the case, programmers/coders/developers can make humongous amounts of income from freelancing – working on their own from home, they build websites, apps, software for companies and they are well paid for it.

Let it be stated here that only if you schooled in very organized private institutions like covenant university or any of these foreign ones, you might not know jack about coding even if you studied computer science from most of our universities out here…I’m speaking from personal experience,
most of what I know when it comes to coding was outside the confines of my computer science undergrad studies in the university. I learned from two avenues: personal time spent on my laptop and from frees online courses I took from selected websites.

They is a demand for these skill set all over the world now, because these skill sets are whats needed to take the world to the next 100 years+ of technological advancement, every facet of life now cannot ignore the need for programmers – from teaching to governance to banking to entertainment and even the Fashion, beauty and food industries that we are so passionate about.
Let’s key into these life-changing, money-spinning adventure today.

Contact me for guidance on how to become a skilled programmer/web designer/coder


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