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Coding; The Most Important Skill In The World.

In my job as a business development manager I often come across female clients who I ask a simple question, what do you want to do? And the answers are eerily always similar, its always a business related to fashion, beauty or food. I used to get very excited until it got monotonous to be running development processes for only businesses in these segment of the private sector. Sincerely these industry is getting choked, almost every household now has a “professional” makeup artist, fashionista or food merchant of some sort, these sub sectors are important, but they lay at the bottom of the food chain of human development, food, clothing, and beauty have being in existence since adam in various shades and form, so they are really nothing new or totally innovative about these basics and that’s why these services are being watered down and under priced as the day goes by, the supply of these services are now becoming more than the demand. There was a time when a makeup artist co
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Chris Atto and Dami Ain't Going Nowhere

  Reports making the rounds that one of Nollywood’s favorite couples, Chris Attoh and Damilola Adegbite’s marriage packed up is all a pile of bull, not that it's even any of people's business anyways.  According to a blog: Ghana Celebrities, sources close to the family had claimed that the marriage had hit rock bottom following multiple problems which the couple couldn’t amicably settle. They went on to talk of how Chris's and Damilola’s marriage was engulfed in deep-rooted issues that would more likely bring it to an official end–that’s if it wasn't resolved,” a "source" told Ghana Celebrities. Chris and Dami got married in 2015 and have a child together. Their sensual cover for Blanck Magazine got tongues wagging, but Chris never ceases to pay tributes to his wife on social media. All these came to a head just yesterday when Dami put all that hogwash to rest by publicly celebrating her man's birthday on social media. Shame To Bad People.

Porn Can Ruin You.... Seriously!

Most humans walking the face of this digital earth has come across porn in one way or the other, porn is the most downloaded genre of video available on the internet, that's aside music videos of course which are in their own way some form of soft porn if I can be so bold. Don't get me wrong, this post isn't in any way about morals or religious beliefs, its more about the health, family and behavioural implications of addiction to porn. here are some reasons why we should all take staying away from porn seriously: 1. It creates an artificial world of escape which if not careful can make the real world seem boring, and in some cases even make the individual lose interest in real life activities. 2. Porn makes for sex without intimacy, in the long run, as a matter of fact, a lot of men have experienced erectile dysfunction in the absence of porn. 3. Porn creates a hunger for itself, simply put it's like an addictive drug, it can get the user hooked.. for real. 4.

Stuck Between The Devil and The Deep Blue Sea...Our Meningitis Dilemma

As I write this, another person is probably taking their last breath, another victim of the current meningitis epidemic raging through the land. It is appalling that a so-called giant like Nigeria will be the playing field for all manner of dangerous epidemics from polio, to tuberculosis to ebola, to Lassa fever. Nigeria's health budget is an eyesore, accounting for less than 10% of the federal budget. Aside from the paltry sum allocated each year to the most vital sector of all, there is high-level corruption in the management of resources provided by donor countries through their agencies to the Nigerian people. This effectively brings us to a point where funds are grossly inadequate to tackle the plethora of issues facing the health sector in this country. This coupled with the high levels of poverty and squalor that has become the norm for the common man, thereby making him a primary target of all the combo of diseases and plagues...SAD. And herein lies the hard choice,

Now That The Samsung S8 Is Here

The Samsung S8 has now being unveiled and is subsequently being released into the general market at a starting price of $720 or N270,000... whew! Maybe chicken change to some people, but in a country whose minimum wage is $48 or N18,000, this is huge. Why am I delving into all these figures this hot afternoon? It’s because I'm simply pissed at the greed and insatiable thirst of many Nigerians to spend money that most of them don’t even have, these ones give a demeanor of tech savviness, this has also being proven to be a fake majority of the time. The ills being perpetuated in our society today because of these ever-evolving craze for material things is now a cause for concern, from ladies sleeping around with their grandfather's agemates to young men joining armed robbery gangs to perpetrate mind-boggling crimes…… but all this craze for what please? So the clique will see them as the coolest or most fly dude/chic around? So the social status will be upgraded? I just laugh i

Fasting...... May Just Turn You Into A Sex god..

When we hear the word 'fasting' the first thing that comes to mind more often than not is: spiritual exercise or activity, but science has shown that they are way more to fasting than just a spiritual activity.  the benefits of intermittent fasting are quite numerous, chief among them as par our gist today is its impact on sex drive aka libido. fasting helps the libido in some indirect ways: when we fast our bodies undergoes some changes i.e 1. Cellular Repair: waste materials in the system are flushed out from cells 2. Weight Loss: These is quite simple, the less we eat, the less calorie intake happens and they are an  increased metabolic rate (food digestion) which in turn lead to weight loss 3. Lowers Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: This Happens Cause Insulin Levels Are Reduced When Food Intake Reduces 4. Increased Brain Health: Not eating brings the human mind to a place of clarity and creativity, thereby increasing the interactivity of brain cells. Now lets string the

Noodles.... An Enemy In Disguise

We live in a fast-paced world where convenience and ease of use are keywords in virtually all sectors of human existence, Prior to the discovery of  noodles  at the Lajia archaeological site, the earliest record of  noodles   appears in a book written during China's East Han Dynasty sometime between A.D. 25 and 220, Lu said. Other theories suggest  noodles  were first made in the Middle East and introduced to Italy by the Arabs. Whatever the case, this yummy fast food has come to stay and it will remain so for a very long time.....BUT, noodles unknown to many is an innocent looking, yummy tasting enemy to those trying to watch their weights, and for those interested in shedding some kilos. A 120grams of cooked noodles pack a whopping 630 calories, and most adults eat at least 2 of these in a serving, that's around 1300 calories.... 'massive huh'. it will take 2hrs on the treadmill at the average speed to burn that 3minutes fast meal off.. but of course, these shoul