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Showing posts from March, 2017

Now That The Samsung S8 Is Here

The Samsung S8 has now being unveiled and is subsequently being released into the general market at a starting price of $720 or N270,000... whew! Maybe chicken change to some people, but in a country whose minimum wage is $48 or N18,000, this is huge. Why am I delving into all these figures this hot afternoon? It’s because I'm simply pissed at the greed and insatiable thirst of many Nigerians to spend money that most of them don’t even have, these ones give a demeanor of tech savviness, this has also being proven to be a fake majority of the time. The ills being perpetuated in our society today because of these ever-evolving craze for material things is now a cause for concern, from ladies sleeping around with their grandfather's agemates to young men joining armed robbery gangs to perpetrate mind-boggling crimes…… but all this craze for what please? So the clique will see them as the coolest or most fly dude/chic around? So the social status will be upgraded? I just laugh i

Fasting...... May Just Turn You Into A Sex god..

When we hear the word 'fasting' the first thing that comes to mind more often than not is: spiritual exercise or activity, but science has shown that they are way more to fasting than just a spiritual activity.  the benefits of intermittent fasting are quite numerous, chief among them as par our gist today is its impact on sex drive aka libido. fasting helps the libido in some indirect ways: when we fast our bodies undergoes some changes i.e 1. Cellular Repair: waste materials in the system are flushed out from cells 2. Weight Loss: These is quite simple, the less we eat, the less calorie intake happens and they are an  increased metabolic rate (food digestion) which in turn lead to weight loss 3. Lowers Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: This Happens Cause Insulin Levels Are Reduced When Food Intake Reduces 4. Increased Brain Health: Not eating brings the human mind to a place of clarity and creativity, thereby increasing the interactivity of brain cells. Now lets string the

Noodles.... An Enemy In Disguise

We live in a fast-paced world where convenience and ease of use are keywords in virtually all sectors of human existence, Prior to the discovery of  noodles  at the Lajia archaeological site, the earliest record of  noodles   appears in a book written during China's East Han Dynasty sometime between A.D. 25 and 220, Lu said. Other theories suggest  noodles  were first made in the Middle East and introduced to Italy by the Arabs. Whatever the case, this yummy fast food has come to stay and it will remain so for a very long time.....BUT, noodles unknown to many is an innocent looking, yummy tasting enemy to those trying to watch their weights, and for those interested in shedding some kilos. A 120grams of cooked noodles pack a whopping 630 calories, and most adults eat at least 2 of these in a serving, that's around 1300 calories.... 'massive huh'. it will take 2hrs on the treadmill at the average speed to burn that 3minutes fast meal off.. but of course, these shoul

Health Lessons From The Fulani Herdsmen

Up until recently when a few members of the Fulani nomadic community began to show their violent side and lack of capacity to co-exist peacefully with their hosts, they had become an integral part of our society with no love lost, I remember when as a kid we sometimes give water or food to the young ones while they go about with their cattle near our area. But the communal clashes between them and their host communities is not the main focus of this write-up. we notice that these guys are some of the smartest and fittest people around, I personally have not seen or met an overweight or obese Fulani herdsman before, these are not strange given the long distances they trek every single day with their cattle, aside this activity that makes these guys top of the fitness chain.... they also indulge in eating habits that should be a model for most of us the so called civilized populace. They mostly feed on milk, proteins from ram, goats, and poultry - ( they don't really indulge in f

How To Survive These Heat Wave

As I write this, I'm virtually naked. even with the fans blazing (no AC were I am at the moment). seems like nature has decided to turn it up, maybe as a reminder that we have to take the climate change thingy a little bit more important. Kids are just not enjoying their childhoods at the moment as a lot of them are being hospitalized for a plethora of reasons, all connected to the surge in temperature. Temperature is fluctuating between 32C to 41C in most parts of Nigeria at the moment, even Jos the Plateau State Capital, one of the most temperate places in the country has an outlook of 33C today.... At this juncture as our ancestors usually say... let's pray for the rains. talking of rain lets delve into some survival tips for these times; 1. Hydrate as much as possible, water just happens to be your very best friend at these time, especially the ice cold one. it will cool you from within and reduce your body temperature 2. Pour water on your head and the rest of your

When Men Cheat Because She Became Overweight

Hi, Folks.... Don't Get Me Wrong, My Topic May Seem A Bit Overboard, But It;s Really Not. Yes, A Couple In A Committed Relationship Are Supposed To Stick With Each Other No Matter What, They Are Meant To Go Through The "Thick and Thin" No Matter What - Yea? Ok o, Sounds Romantic But Then They Is Wishful Thinking,, And Theys Reality On The Other End. No Sane Human Will Choose A Broken Down 1988 Volkswagen Over A 2017 Range Rover Sport... I Think. I Might Be Wrong, But I'm Pretty Sure A Lot Of Folks Will Go For The Later. How Does This Relate To Relationships? Truth Is A Lot Of Couples, Male Or Female Let Go Of Their Physical Appearance After A Couple Of Years In Marriage.  They are These Feeling Of "I'm Already Here, Why Stress Myself To Work Out, Or Look Sexy?. Well, That's An Error. Cause They are Somethings You Did That Got The Interest Of The Other Party In The First Place And Now You'Ve Neglected It And Still Want The Level of Passion and Chem

Fitness Challenge

Hey My Fitness Conscious Peeps, Came Across Something Cool and Fun This Morning, Thought To Share......(As Always) It's The 3 Crowns 30 Days Fitness Challenge. Good To Know That More Large Companies Are Taking The Nutrition And Fitness Thingy Serious Like Some Of Us. Click to Enter Thank Me Later.

What Your Body Mass Index (BMI) Says About You

What does BMI mean? Body Mass Index (BMI) is an established measure utilized by physicians and health experts to determine weight status (i.e. underweight, overweight or within a healthy weight range). Use this online calculator to find out what your BMI can tell you about your health and well-being.  What BMI ranges mean Experts generally consider a BMI below 20 to be underweight and a BMI of 20 to 25 to be healthy. BMIs of 25 to 30 are generally considered overweight, while a BMI over 30 is generally considered very overweight (obese).

We Need A New Thinking On Nutrition and Fitness

Over time, The Typical Nigerian Family Has Paid No Significant Value On Eating Right And Engaging In Activities That Encourage Fitness... Little Wonder Our Life Expectancy Rate Is So Low (53yrs) 2015 est. This is mostly due to on-set of a plethora of diseases from the mid 30's up. This blog is created to change this mindset of people having just a passing interest in eating right and keeping fit... this journey will be a very interesting one. Ejiga